Proctoring for Individual Exams
Testing Services can proctor exams for distance learning courses including WSU Global Campus, BYU Independent Study, and other institutions. We can also proctor for some placement exams, make-up exams, and when a student relocates to Pullman and needs to take an exam from another institution.
Tests are conducted in the Washington Building, room 301.
Additional Information about Testing
Students reserving time for a proctored exam at WSU Testing Services in Pullman will pay a $7.00 fee by debit or credit card when creating an account and scheduling an exam at RegisterBlast, our scheduling website. The fee is not refundable.
Proctored testing costs $15 for exams of less than 1 hour in duration, $25 for 1-3 hour exams, and $45 for exams exceeding 3 hours, without accommodations. WGU student exams are scheduled and proctoring fees are paid by WGU.
You are charged the full amount for the time you select even if you complete the exam in less than the maximum time allowed, reschedule or cancel less than 24 hours before the scheduled exam, or “no show” at the scheduled time. This cost includes registering, scheduling, receipt of exam, proctoring in a secure environment, use of #2 pencils, scratch paper, scientific calculators (if allowed), and returning the exam via fax, email, USPS, FedEx, or courier.
WSU students enrolled for the current or upcoming semester can have the proctoring fee charged to their student account by providing their WSU ID number when scheduling an exam. Individuals not enrolled at WSU must pay by check or money order (payable to “WSU Controller”) on the day of their proctored exam. Cash and credit or debit cards are not accepted at Testing Services.
Exam retakes required a separate appointment and a separate fee, even if the exam was lost in the mail, by the institution, or by the instructor.
Nominating a Proctor
The student and instructor must ensure that the test environment is appropriate for the exam and that taking the exam at Testing Services does not violate any academic regulations of their institution.
- For exams that require a specific contact person, call us at 509-335-1744 or email
- For exams that require the proctor’s signature when designating a proctor, download and submit the official WSU proctor agreement letter or come to our office during business hours for a hard copy of the form.
- For institutions that require an online submission from the proctor, please email the request to
Request an Exam
The student is responsible for arranging for the test and test instructions to be sent directly to Testing Services. All instructions must be included with the exam. The test taker is not allowed to use any additional materials that are not specified on the test or test instructions.
Many institutions need two weeks to send the exam. You may have to contact the institution or instructor to make sure the exam is sent in time to take it.
Requesting an Exam from Global Campus
In addition to scheduling your proctored exam, WSU Global Campus students must submit a separate request through MyWSU to have their exam sent to WSU Testing Services.
To request your exam, you will need to:
- Log in to my WSU.
- Select Manage Classes, then Global Campus Proctored Exams from the left menu.
- Choose the link for the exam you have scheduled. You will be directed to the Scheduling Proctored Exams web page, which will show your proctoring options for that exam.
- Indicate the exam date and who will be proctoring your exam. If you have previously used Testing Services as a proctor, select that proctor from the Proctor Location drop-down menu.
- If you have not previously used Testing Services as a proctor, select Propose a new proctor:
- Indicate the date you anticipate taking the exam
- Use this for the proctor information:
Proctor First Name: Sheryl
Proctor Last Name: Bentz
Proctor Work Title: Testing Services Program Coordinator
School Name: Washington State University
Department: Testing Services
Location: Washington Building 301
Street Address: 1125 SE Washington St.
City: Pullman
State: WA
Zip Code: 99164-2302
Country: USA
Proctor Work Phone: 509-335-1744
Proctor Email:
- Choose your exam delivery option: Mail Exam via USPS or Email exam to on-site proctor.
Once you enter the Testing Services proctor information, it will be saved. For future exams, you will be able to select this proctor from a drop-down menu.
Global Campus students can find more information on the Global Campus website.
The student is responsible for scheduling the correct amount of time to complete the exam, scheduling the correct format of exam (computer/paper-pencil/recording), making arrangements to have the test sent to Testing Services, and completing the exam by the due date with time for the exam to be returned to the instructor.
To cancel or reschedule a testing appointment, log in to your RegisterBlast account at least 24 hours before the scheduled exam. If you are unable to do so, call 509-335-1744 for assistance. If you do not change your appointment through RegisterBlast, you must reserve a new exam time.
Tests that involve listening or recording cannot be scheduled during other examinations. Please call 509-335-1744 to schedule these tests.
Test Environment and Materials
Tests are administered in room 301 of the Washington building. Students are assigned to an individual testing station with a rolling office chair without arms and a writing surface that is 47.5″ wide, 24″ deep, 29″ high. Test takers are not allowed to communicate or interact with others. Test takers are monitored by professional proctors using a video camera system.
Testing Services can make available 8.5”x 11” lined scratch paper, blank scratch paper, #2 pencils, pens, and Casio fx-260 solar scientific calculators.
Exams can be printed in black and white or color. (Please note in an email if an attachment should be printed in color for viewing figures.)
Any irregularities and suspected cheating are reported to the test provider with detailed information. The test provider is responsible for taking appropriate action in cases of cheating, impersonation, or other improper conduct according to the policies of the test provider from the institution and/or syllabus (WSU students, please see Exams are locked in a secure cabinet that can only be accessed by the test proctors.
Testing Services will not administer tests if the test-taker’s identification is uncertain in any way. Test takers must present photo identification as described by the test requirements. If a test does not specify what identification is accepted, Testing Services will only verify identity with identification that includes the person’s recognizable photo and name that was issued by a government agency or school.
Exams can be returned via fax, email, USPS, FedEx, or picked up by a courier who can provide identification and who is authorized by the instructor/test provider. The instructions must specify on the test if a signature is required on the FedEx package.
The test taker is not allowed to use any aids that are not specified on the test or test instructions.
Testing Services may inspect any item the student wants to bring into the testing room, including clothing, pencil, pens, erasers, calculators, batteries, and watches. In some cases, students may be required to use pencils, pens, or a calculator provided by Testing Services and prohibited from using their personal pencils, pens, or calculator.
Due to variations in calculators, Testing Services is not able to “clear” or “reset” calculator memory or inspect calculator software. Testing Services has Casio fx-260 solar scientific calculators available for students to use when instructions allow for the use of a scientific calculator.
Testing Services may ask examinees to remove for inspection shoes, socks, jackets, scarves, watches, hats, and other accessories. Testing Services staff may ask an examinee to shake out, pat, or smooth down the clothing he or she is wearing. Testing Services will not perform invasive searches that involve touching the examinee or touching clothing on an examinee.
Special Conditions and Aids
- Writing Utensils: Students are normally allowed to use their personal pencils, pens, and mechanical pencils of any color. It is the student’s responsibility to write in a manner that is legible, even when the exam is scanned or faxed.
- Open Book: Examinees are allowed to use a bound paper book. Testing Services cannot look at every page of a book to make sure that there are no notes written or inserted in the book. Students who own only an eBook should borrow a physical book from the library or another source for the exam. No tablets, laptops, e-readers, phones, full touch-screen calculators, laptops, phones, mp3 players, tablets, smart watches, or other electronic or computing devices are allowed in the testing room.
- Open Note: For open-note tests with electronic notes, examinees need to download the materials onto a USB drive or CD and reserve a time to use monitored computer at the Testing Services. No tablets, iPads, laptops, e-readers, phones, full touch-screen calculators, laptops, phones, mp3 players, tablets, smart watches, or other electronic or computing devices are allowed in the testing room.
- Calculators: When calculators are allowed, Testing Services will follow instructions provided by the institution. Calculators must be silent. Individuals who need to use a talking calculator for an accommodation must specify this on the exam request when scheduling. Electrical outlets cannot be used to plug in a calculator.
No full touch-screen calculators, phones, mp3 players, tablets, iPads, iPhones, iPods, smart watches, or other non-calculators are allowed. Calculator watches are allowed only when a calculator is allowed (smart watches are not allowed). Calculator memory cannot be cleared by Testing Services staff, and staff will not “certify” that the examinee has cleared the calculator memory. Testing Services can make available Casio fx-260 solar scientific calculators.
On computer-based exams, when permitted, the student has the option of using the specified handheld calculator or the appropriate on-screen installed Windows calculator. Other online calculators are not allowed unless specified by the exam instructions.
Instructions for Day of Test
- Bring any materials needed for the exam and a photo ID.
- Before the exam, use the restroom, turn off phones and electronic devices, and put away all personal belongings. Keep available your photo ID and materials needed for the exam.
- Arrive on time for your exam. If you arrive late with less time than the exam allows before the center closes, you will need to reschedule or complete a late arrival form agreeing to give up some of your allowed testing time.
- Check in with proctor staff and tell the proctor your name.
- Verify your identity by presenting your photo ID to the proctor.
- Leave personal items (including, but not limited to, backpacks, hats, purses, electronic devices and phone), unless approved, in the locker designated by the proctor.
- Students are not allowed assistance from persons, computers, books, notes, etc., unless specified on the exam by the instructor. No one other than the proctor can accompany a student into the testing area unless specified by the instructions.
- For most exams, once the exam starts and until it is completed, students cannot leave the testing area for any reason, including to pay for parking or attend to personal matters. For most exams, leaving the exam area terminates the exam.
- Enter the testing room with the proctor only when instructed to do so.
- Go to the testing station the proctor directs you to.
- Note the time you are starting the exam and plan your time to complete it within the time allowed.
- Complete the exam following the directions and do not disturb others who are testing.
- If you have questions, raise your hand to get the proctor’s attention.
- Pens and pencils are available at the front of the room.
- When finished with the exam, return all exam materials (including scratch paper) to the proctor. Students cannot retain any exam materials.
- Collect your belongings and exit the test center.
Other Testing Centers
Find other testing centers for distance learning testing from the National College Testing Association.